Culture: A Possible Essential Part Of Human Origins?

Culture is the umbrella phrase that encompass the behavioral codes and social behaviors observed in various human societies, the cultural practices and beliefs held by the people in those societies, and the information, beliefs, customs, arts, laws, skills, and behaviors of the people in those cultures. Humans are social animals; group members interact to satisfy some need or the other. Thus, all the behavioral patterns observed among human beings are ultimately traced back to their own cultural roots. In fact, a good number of the cultural patterns that we observe today had a parallel meaning in earlier times. Therefore, some behaviors that we commonly practice today can be traced back to a previous culture.


The level of development of any society can be correlated with the extent of its cultural identity, since the more developed the society is, the greater the scope for cultural identity politics to affect the behavior of its citizens. A high-tech, high-driven and sophisticated society with an advanced economy has more opportunities for cultural identity conflicts to erupt. These conflicts are not always amenable to self-rule and resolution and therefore, they tend to get settled. The outcome of a conflict usually has a lasting impact on the economy and the social standing of the society.

There are many areas in which different cultures exert their dominance: race and class differences, ethnicity, language, nationalities, sexuality, attitudes toward religion, values, power, and violence are but a few examples. Different regions in the world have been described in different ways. And even within a single region, there can be considerable regional variation in cultural norms and practices. These variations are still increasing with the passage of time and there is evidence that some specific areas, like Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe, are undergoing intense struggles over cultural identity.